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Well lets see its been all of eight months since I have written. . . and I am ashamed that I haven’t seen the unseen. I haven’t seen this time go by. There have been so many changes, so many things go on that I will quickly summarize… and quickly because it really means more of where I’m going not where I’ve been. So I moved out, again… got two raises… got back into school… decided I got back into the wrong type of school… and currently transferings schools, looking for another job, and yet progressing on my track to med school.

I have this horrible feeling like I have neglected my duties to document what has been going on with regards to my path as a neophyte. So I am going to skip work… although time consuming, stress inducing and monetarily boosting, not really what I’m here about. So school. As of last we had talked I had a $ 6000 dollar out standing school bill, with no way to pay,  and no hope to pay it off any time soon. My savior came about mid april when my father saw the progress I was making in taking responsibility for my own life and decided to pay it off so I could go back to school.
However they still decided that they weren’t going to pay for anything else. But thanks to that windfall I am back in school. Because I am paying for everything myself, I decided that all I could afford at the time was community college. So I applied, got in (duh!) and started classes again this past august… After only the first week there did I realize that community college wasn’t the place for me. It wasn’t challanging, it was more like high school and over all destructive to my education I think. I’m half way through (just got done taking midterms) and I already have my application in at another school, of which has a medical school that would be an easy transfer for me from my bachelors to med school. I’ll try and keep you up on my school work and the things that I am covering.

So with the new school, which is about 30-45 mins away from where I am currently I am moving… agian. 🙂 My lease with my roommate isn’t up until the end of february. but I am already excited for the new place. My campus is downtown and so I am moving from the burbs to the city. I can’t wait! I am also looking at a place by myself, I’ve found over the last 8 months that having a roommate is kinda distracting to school and pretty much anything else productive. (well i guess we have laundry day once a week, we get something done then at least :))

But anyway thats whats going on and what is soon to come. I will most definitly be writing more and keeping you all up do to date on what is going on. I am also going to start giving you updates on school, personal readings and the usual observations from the world of the unseen. I miss this… its a nice outlet.

Well, I’ve been thwarted, for the time being… I am never going to be completely thwarted, but I have been lets say put on hold.

So I am writing this blog, as you all know as a memorium for my progress to, thru and after med school. Well my undergrad colllege experience has been thwarted by my parent’s lack of desire to pay for my education. Then entire time I was growing up my divorced parents had the notion that each of them would pay a third of my education and I would pay the last third. So this was the idea that I had when I chose to go to a major state college. Ya… they decided that they werent going to pay for any of it. So I am stuck with a 7 thousand dollar first semester bill, and no student loans nor scholarships (being a white male….. ya another rant)… so I am thwarted, I will be spending the next 6 months working my butt off so I can afford to go to a smaller less noted state school. So i just have to figure out how to afford and pay for all these things… good god do I need help! shit! lol

So soon enough I will be back on that road, more to come. Stay tuned!

as per usual, i freak myself out way too much, i worry way too much, and with no real need. So last week I had a test in the only real science class that I am at all worried about this semester, and I had been freaking out about it for about a week prior and had spent just about half my life in the library before it. Then after it i didnt think i did that well, i had woke up late so i almost missed the test in the first place, the people next to me were loud and both were sick. So i didnt think i performed well, but low and behold I got the test grade back… 100% HECK YA! I was so amazed and excited I actually let out a little yelp in the library. hehehe I figured that it was due to the large amount of extra credit he had put on the test but infact I had actually aced the test. I was so proud and relieved!

Thanksgiving break is coming up at the end of this week, i can honestly say that I am exstatic for it. I have time where I dont have to go to class and yet I still have about 2 hours a day of studying to get done every day. Finals are a week after we get back and so i cant relax now, i need to find some resolve and make it through. Soon enough I will be on top of it, i will be making the things happen that I need to. Make things happen. enjoy life while you can, that at least what i keep telling myself. Just push a little further… just remember why. I have to stay focused and devoted. If i ever want my goals to be realized i need to stay focused.

I dont know if i told you about my roommate of the moment, he was a good friend of mine until of course we moved in with each other. hehe Anyway, he decided to follow the advice that you can major in anything and still go into medicine… well i am excited to say that one out of the 36000 people competeing with me is out. He has decided that he doesnt want to go into medicine. (he should have listened to me earlier) one down 35998 to go! yea!

I’m back! I don’t know why but tests have this profound effect on me to make me freak out! I get into crazy sleep and study patterns about 4 days before a test. I sleeping less, and studying more. I eat less, and study more. My Health and Wellness test on tuesday had me going all weekend. I know how faux pas it is for a college student to stay home on a saturday night and study, how unheard of it is to be up before noon on the weekends, but I did both. I was sitting in the library by 830 every morning and didnt leave besides to eat a meal or two until 11 at night, then I’d go back to the dorms and study for a few more hours before crashing onto my bed. Then next morning I would wake up, have my mug of green tea and be off again.

So the test finally came and went, I think I did well, I mean there were only 4 questions that I had aboslutely no clue on, and about another 3 that i was unsure. So I am excited. The only unfortunate thing is I have a Attributes of Living Systems test on wednesday.. Yippee!

So weekend to do list:

_ Stock up on green tea

_Reserve study room/gov’t doc’s table

_Get needed relaxation out of the way on thursday and friday.

_ buy toilet paper

_ sleep (some)

Oh and thank you for the help, I found some resources that have really helped me get on my way.. so soon enough it will be post-neophyte. Oh and I will post letter C of the rare disorders before sunday.

Okay sorry for the title, but I feel clueless… ergo reference to valley girl sterotype. Anyway, I was sitting in my Microbiology class the other day and we had guest speaker come in who is a senior and tell us about her path, what courses she took, and what research programs to get involved in, how to begin some research and getting aquainted with proffesors.

It got me thinking, I thought about what I need to do in order to actually be prepared to go into med school. What courses I need to take, what things I need to learn, who I should start talking to everything. What types of character building things I should be doing. Everything. So as I know that there are many of you out there who know what I should do.. give me some advice. Where do I begin? Where should I look for help? How did you do it?

So I’ll throw these questions out hoping for an answer…

As usual, you know where to find me.

May 2024

Here I Am…

I am but one among 36,000... I am a med school applicant... now I guess thats not the truth, yet. That application isn't as far off as it may seem, soon enough I will be joining thousands of my fellow students to attempt the next portion of our lives... Here I write the struggle to get there, and the inspiration for others to make it.